Tekniske dokumenter

PEFC Danmarks vedtægter - 7. udgave


PEFC Danmark er en non-profit forening, ikke-statslig organisation, som er lokalt forankret. PEFC Danmark vedtægter vedtages på PEFC generalforsamling. Medlemmer af PEFC Danmark har stemmeret. Vedtægterne er godkendt på PEFC generalforsamling 23. april 2018.

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PEFC Danmark er en non-profit forening, ikke-statslig organisation, som er lokalt forankret. PEFC Danmark vedtægter vedtages på PEFC generalforsamling. Medlemmer af PEFC Danmark har stemmeret. Vedtægterne er godkendt på PEFC generalforsamling 23. april 2018.

Standard-setting - Requirements - PEFC ST 1001:2017


Dato for implementering 15. november 2017

PEFC International's standard for krav til udformningen af nationale standarder (PEFC ST 1001:2017). Denne standard erstatter PEFC ST 1001:2010.

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PEFC International's standard for krav til udformningen af nationale standarder (PEFC ST 1001:2017). Denne standard erstatter PEFC ST 1001:2010.

PEFC DK 003-4 - Requirements for group certification of sustainable forest management

English documents

This standard is a part of the former Danish PEFC certification system for sustainable forest management (2012). This document has been replaced with the revised standard PEFC DK 003-4 (Requirements for group certification of sustainable forest management) from 01. October 2022.

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This standard is a part of the former Danish PEFC certification system for sustainable forest management (2012). This document has been replaced with the revised standard PEFC DK 003-4 (Requirements for group certification of sustainable forest management) from 01. October 2022.

PEFC DK 005-3 - Requirement for certification and accreditation procedures (2012)

English documents

This document is a part of the former Danish PEFC certification system for sustainable forest management. This document has been replaced with the revised standard, Requirements for certification and accreditation procedures (PEFC DK 005-4), from October 2022.

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This document is a part of the former Danish PEFC certification system for sustainable forest management. This document has been replaced with the revised standard, Requirements for certification and accreditation procedures (PEFC DK 005-4), from October 2022.

PEFC DK 001-3 - Forest Management Standard

English documents

This standard is a part of the former Danish PEFC certification system for sustainable forest management (2012). This document has been replaced with the revised PEFC DK 001-3 (Forest Management Standard) from 01. October 2022.

 Download (700.21 KB)

This standard is a part of the former Danish PEFC certification system for sustainable forest management (2012). This document has been replaced with the revised PEFC DK 001-3 (Forest Management Standard) from 01. October 2022.

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